Infant-Toddler Curriculm

Toddlers Program
6 months to 36 months

Toddler Care at Leaps N Bounds Academy Manchester Tn

Listed with each activity in the Monthly Curriculum Guide to help you select and plan for each child’s needs. This is just an example of general items Leaps N Bounds Academy might focus on during the month.

We follow the State of Tennessee Department of Developmental Standards to help prepare your child for Kindergarten. We start the learning process as an infant, but by age 5 the State of Tennessee Standards should be met for your child to be ready for Kindergarten.Listed with each activity in the Curriculum Guide to help you select and plan for each child’s needs.

You may view the Tennessee Standards of Early Development Here

Some goals and objectives may be observed in daily routines.

Language Development

L1 Listens and responds with interest to verbal and nonverbal communication of others
L2 Begins to understand gestures, words, questions, or routines

L3 Uses sounds, gestures, or actions to express needs and wants
L4 Imitates sounds, gestures, or words
L5 Uses consistent sounds, gestures, or words for a variety of purposes
L6 Participates in simple two-way conversations

Emergent Literacy
L7 Shows interest in songs, rhymes, and stories
L8 Shows interest in photos, pictures, and drawings
L9 Demonstrates interest and involvement with books and other print materials
L10 Begins to recognize and understand that pictures or symbols can be “read” by others and have meaning
L11 Understands that people use writing to communicate
L12 Makes marks with writing tools

Physical Development

Gross motor
PH1 Moves body, arms, and legs with coordination
PH2 Demonstrates large muscle balance, stability, control, and coordination
PH3 Develops increasing ability to change positions and move body from place to place
PH4 Moves body with purpose to achieve a goal

Fine motor
PH5 Uses hands or feet to make contact with objects or people
PH6 Develops small muscle control and coordination
PH7 Coordinates eye and hand movements
PH8 Controls small muscles in hands when doing simple tasks
PH9 Uses different actions on objects (kicks, shakes, pats, swipes)

PH10 Shows characteristics of healthy development
PH11 Becomes more aware of own body PH12 Responds when physical needs are met PH13 Participates in physical care routines PH14 Begins to develop self-help skills
PH15 Begins to understand safe and unsafe behaviors

Approaches to learning

AL1 Exhibits interest, curiosity, and eagerness in exploring the world

AL2 Stays attentive and engaged for increasing periods of time
AL3 Finishes self-selected tasks, such as completing a puzzle or listening to a storybook

Problem solving
AL4 Experiments with different uses for objects
AL5 Uses a variety of strategies to solve problems

Social/Emotional Development

SE1 Engages in behaviors that build relationships with familiar adults
SE2 Responds differently to familiar and unfamiliar adults
SE3 Seeks ways to find comfort in new situations
SE4 Shows emotional connection and attachment to others

SE5 Shows interest in and awareness of other children
SE6 Responds to and interacts with other children
SE7 Begins to recognize and respond to other children’s feelings and emotions
SE8 Begins to show concern for others
SE9 Learns social skills, and eventually words, for expressing feelings, needs and wants
SE10 Uses imitation or pretend play to learn new roles and relationships

SE11 Expresses feelings and emotions through facial expressions, sounds or gestures
SE12 Develops awareness of self as separate from others
SE13 Shows confidence in increasing abilities

SE14 Begins to manage own behavior and show self-regulation
SE15 Shows ability to cope with stress
SE16 Shows increasing independence
SE17 Understands simple routines, rules, or limitations

Cognitive Development

C1 Pays attention to people, objects, and sounds
C2 Uses senses to explore people, objects, and the environment
C3 Becomes increasingly aware of colors, shapes, patterns, or pictures
C4 Makes things happen and watches for results or repeats actions

C5 Shows ability to acquire and process new information
C6 Recognizes familiar people, places, and things C7 Recalls and uses information in new situations C8 Searches for missing or hidden objects

Emergent math
C9 Shows interest in and awareness of numbers and counting during daily routines and activities.
C10 Begins to notice differences in size and quantity (more, all gone, big, little, etc.)
C11 Explores ways objects and people move and fit in space

Dramatic play
C12 Observes and imitates sounds, gestures, or behavior
C13 Uses objects in new ways or in pretend play
C14 Uses imitation or pretend play to express creativity and imagination