3 to 5 year old Curriculum

Curriculum For Children Ages 3 – 5 Years

3 to 5 year Curriculum for Leaps N Bounds Academy

Listed with each activity in the Monthly Curriculum Guide to help you select and plan for each child’s needs. This is just an example of general items Leaps N Bounds Academy might focus on during the month.

We follow the State of Tennessee Department of Developmental Standards to help prepare your child for Kindergarten. At age 3 they can start preparing and by age 5 the State of Tennessee Standards should be met for your child to be ready for Kindergarten.

You may view the Tennessee Standards of Early Development Here

Some objectives may be observed during daily routines


M1 grows in rote counting and sequencing of numbers
M2 recognizes both numerals and number names M3 understands and uses 1-1 correspondence M4 counts and builds sets
M5 compares quantities in sets and uses appropriate vocabulary: equal, more, less
M6 understands adding and subtracting from a set
M7 begins to understand dividing sets into parts up to fourths
M8 understands and uses ordinal terms (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

M9 matches or sorts by color, size, shape, texture: classifies by attributes, makes comparisons
M10 recognizes patterns: can tell “what comes next?”
M11 duplicates simple patterns, then extends and creates patterns
M12 identifies pattern groups (red/yellow, kitten/puppy)
M13 seriates a group of like objects (small, medium, large, or light, medium, dark)

M14 understands, compares, and analyzes quantities of length, height, weight, time, or amount between two or more groups (by pointing to pictures or using words depicting little/big, short/tall, slow/fast, thin/fat, less/more, empty/full, few/many, heavy/light, shallow/deep, narrow/wide)
M15 explores and observes ways to use tools to measure objects (e.g., erasers, paper clips, ruler, scale, thermometer, measuring cups, etc.)
M16 develops growing abilities to collect, describe, and record information in different ways, such as discussion, maps, charts, or graphs.

M17 demonstrates age-appropriate knowledge of geometric shapes                                                                                                         M18 understands that shapes remain the same when flipped or rotated                                                                                                    M19 understands symmetry

Spatial Relations
M20 understands directions/positional concepts: top/bottom, go/stop, far/ near, up/down, over/under, out/in, above/below, in front/behind, inside/ outside, etc.
M21 describes position from different perspectives: “I am, you are”
M22 uses simple directions to move from place to place: obstacle course, directional games, hopscotch

M23 uses simple strategies to solve mathematical problems
M24 experiments with puzzles and blocks to create solutions, build structures, or move through a process to reach a goal

Creative art Expression 

A1 uses a variety of art materials for exploration in the arts and across learning domains
A2 creates something unique from other children: creative, imaginative work
A3 appreciates artistic creations of others and art events; shares opinions about likes and dislikes

A4 knows and sings songs; uses music across learning domains
A5 explores with sound, melody, tone, rhythm, beat
A6 uses and shows interest in a variety of musical instruments for expression

Movement and Dance
A7 participates in creative movement and dance
A8 designs original movements and interpretations; uses creative movement and dance across learning domains

Dramatic Play
A9 participates in creative dramatic play and make-believe
A10 uses props to enhance play environment


L1 follows 2 and 3 step directions of increasing complexity
L2 gains meaning by listening to stories, informational texts, directions, and conversations
L3 understands verbal and nonverbal cues
L4 listens and responds to rhymes and rhythms

L5 expresses needs, wants, thoughts through nonverbal gestures, (exposed to sign language), progressing to verbal cues in English or home language
L6 speaks clearly (is understood by both familiar and unfamiliar adults) L7 initiates asking questions and responds in conversation with others L8 shares opinions, experiences, and ideas with others with words L9 uses verbal and nonverbal conversational rules (takes turns, eye contact, loud and soft voice as appropriate, etc.)
L10 listens to and repeats words in Spanish language

L11 demonstrates growing understanding of words and meanings, including language of specific learning domains
L12 converses with a rapidly expanding vocabulary
L13 connects phrases and sentences to build ideas
L14 speaks in sentences using grammar that is age-appropriate

Emergent Reading
L15 shows interest/motivation in reading: following along as a book is read, attempting to read by looking at illustrations or from memory, handling books appropriately, actively chooses books
L16 understands text read aloud: recalling part or most of a text or representing it with play or media, asking and answering questions about text read aloud, making predictions based on text read aloud
L17 exhibits age-appropriate phonological awareness: combines syllables to make a word, combines words to make compound words, recognizes words that rhyme, associates sounds with letters and words, recognizes alliteration and words that rhyme
L18 demonstrates alphabetic knowledge: can recite the alphabet, names or recognizes some letters and sounds – especially own name, recognizes and names most letters
L19 understands left to right, top to bottom process of reading
L20 understands structure: beginning, middle, end of a story

Emergent Writing
L21 shows interest in written expression: scribbling, drawing a person
L22 shows awareness of the uses and functions of environmental print, symbols, and other forms of print to convey meaning and recognizes that different text forms are used for different purposes
L23 shows awareness that a word is made up of letters
L24 begins to copy or write own name
L25 demonstrates age-appropriate writing: tracing, copying letters and numbers, copying shapes and symbols


S1 explores materials and makes observations, predictions based on information gathered from the senses
S2 demonstrates knowledge about self; makes observations about self and life sciences: living vs. nonliving things, nature, environment, weather by physical characteristics
S3 makes predictions based on past experiences and observations

S4 asks why, where, when, how, what, and seeks answers through exploration

S5 classifies objects by function
S6 uses tools such as scale, magnifier, bug catcher, map, or binoculars for investigation
S7 uses “if/then” and “cause/effect” reasoning
S8 makes comparisons among objects and groups

Social/Emotional Development

SE1 recognizes similarities and differences between self and others: gender, cultural identity, self and family characteristics
SE2 develops positive self image: awareness of self as having certain abilities, preferences, characteristics
SE3 demonstrates increasing self-direction, independence, and control; increasingly handles transitions appropriately
SE4 shows interest and respect for work of self and others; exhibits increasing awareness of positive character traits
SE5 chooses new as well as familiar activities
SE6 cleans up own work/play space independently

SE7 uses play to explore and practice social roles and relationships
SE8 interacts comfortably with familiar adults
SE9 begins to participate as a member of a group: takes turns and shares, sustains interaction by helping, cooperating, expressing interest
SE10 interacts with one or more children; develops special friendships
SE11 participates in group song, dance, acting/role-play
SE12 plays cooperatively with others; resolves some conflicts, uses constructive language
SE13 seeks help or information when needed from adults

Emotional Development
SE14 recognizes and describes own emotions
SE15 manages feelings appropriately
SE16 explores emotions through play, art, music, dance
SE17 shows empathy and caring to others, respond to others emotions

Social Studies 

History and events
SS1 shows awareness of concepts of time/sequence of events: past, present, and future and sequence of routines such as bedtime, lunchtime, morning, night, etc.

People and the Environment
SS2 engages in caring for the environment and conservation
SS3 describes characteristics of things in the environment and geography of places: home, school, park, community; says name/address/phone number
SS4 shows respect for living things

Family and Community
SS5 understands family roles, relationships, rules, jobs
SS6 follows simple rules and routines
SS7 shows awareness of diverse backgrounds, cultural/global knowledge
SS8 tells functions of some community helpers, parents’ jobs, careers
SS9 demonstrates growing awareness of community rules, governance, democracy
SS10 exhibits awareness of trade to obtain goods and/or services; recognizes that money comes in different forms, such as coins, dollar bills, and credit/debit cards
SS11 exhibits some knowledge of technology and media

Physical Development/Health 

Fine Motor
PD1 gains strength and control of small muscles: folding and creasing paper, building with small blocks, manipulating play dough and clay
PD2 demonstrates eye-hand coordination: strings beads, completes puzzles, sews through holes in lacing cards, ties knots and loops, tears paper, uses eating utensils, uses a keyboard
PD3 uses scissors to cut shapes from paper
PD4 begins to control use of writing, drawing, art tools, and art/craft mediums

Gross Motor
PD5 demonstrates balance and control of large muscles: walking forward, backward, heel-to-toe, on tiptoe and on a straight line, walking on a balance board, hopping on one foot, jumping with two feet
PD6 coordinates movement when walking up and down stairs, running smoothly, kicking a ball, throwing a ball, bouncing and catching a ball, skipping, clapping
PD7 develops strength, flexibility, and stamina through vigorous play and by using equipment

PD8 undresses or dresses self independently, other than help with difficult fasteners
PD9 exhibits increasing knowledge of healthy eating, good nutrition: tries new foods, willing to eat well-balanced diet, interested in various tastes, colors, and textures of food
PD10 washes hands and face without assistance
PD11 brushes teeth independently
PD12 uses tissue for nose, napkin for hand/face appropriately, independently
PD13 cares for toileting needs independently
PD14 participates in a variety of physical activities; exhibits increasing awareness of the importance of exercise
PD15 follows basic safety and health rules
PD16 demonstrates visual and auditory ability and general good health and sleep habits to enable learning

Approaches to Learning

AL1 shows creativity, flexibility, and inventiveness in play experiences
AL2 takes on various roles in make-believe play
AL3 uses new strategies to solve problems

AL4 shows a willingness to participate, is eager to join play events
AL5 demonstrates inquisitiveness about subjects and objects

AL6 is not easily discouraged, seeks help to overcome problems
AL7 works at a task despite distractions or interruptions
AL8 usually completes reasonable tasks or stays engaged

AL9 observes or contemplates and applies knowledge to a new situation
AL10 generates ideas, suggestions
AL11 makes a plan before beginning a task and follows through

AL12 welcomes new experiences, situations, play events, materials, friends